IN Process: Creative Expression from Our Teens
A Monroe County Youth Council Impact Project from Team Mental Health


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  • ISBN: 978-1-941799-13-0
  • Publication Date: May 10, 2015
  • 7.5" x 9.25" Full Color Paperback
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Who am I? Who are You? Who are We?

Courageous Monroe County teens/emerging individuals/young adults share a sampling of their life IN Process for those open/brave enough to listen. It is raw and powerful, and often intense. What you see and read, you will feel! They hurt and bleed, scream and cry, live and die. They are abused, manipulated and dumped on by their culture, parents and peers, left feeling alone to deal with a whirlwind of mixed messages and emotion.

Ignore them? Please don't! They are our children, our friends and classmates, our community. Read, think, empathize; engage them in a conversation on what matters.

"There is no more powerful way to initiate significant social change than to start a conversation. . . . We can take courage from the fact that this is a process we all know how to do. We can also take courage in the fact that many people are longing to converse again. . . . we are awakening an ancient practice, a way of being gathered that all humans intimately understand."

—Margaret J. Wheatley

"The culture has forsaken idealism for cynicism; it has foregone intimacy for consumption and virtual experience. As a result, we find ourselves alienated and isolated, regardless of the crowd that we move in. Finally, in an effort to go fast, we sacrifice depth. When we lose idealism, intimacy, and depth, we function at a cosmetic level, pushed along by fashion, out of touch with our center, and we react as if we are the effect of the culture, rather than its cause."

—Peter Block

The Prettiest Smiles Hide the Darkest Secrets
Bloomington Meadows Hospital and Monroe County Suicide Prevention

About the Author

Bloomington and Monroe County, Indiana high school students contributed their writing, art, and photographs. Doing so, a key part of the cultural solution was set IN Process—launching a community conversation.