Sharing What I Know
Gail Alexander


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  • ISBN: 978-1-956897-49-4
  • Publication Date: Jun 27, 2024
  • 108 pages, white paper, 6" x 9" glossy paperback with 30 full-color mandala illustrations
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Sharing What I Know leads readers on a journey of self-discovery and self-healing. An enlightening book about spiritual growth, and divine energies written by someone who has a wealth of knowledge and experience with both. If you have ever experienced things, you cannot explain or do not feel like you can talk to anyone about, this book is for you. Some of the topics covered are death and dying, healing, ancient knowledge, spirit guides, angels, and sacred geometry. It is time for us all to remember who we are and what we are here to do. This book will help guide you and provide a space to realize you are not alone and other people are having similar experiences as you are. Life is about sharing, joy, love, and laughter and hopefully this book accomplishes all three. Sit back, relax, keep an open mind and I look forward to taking this journey with you.

About the Author

During difficult times or times of transition whether it is spiritual, emotional, mental, physical or global, we can feel lost and alone. Sometimes we can all get really frustrated, scared and/or overwhelmed. At these times, it can seem easier to give up than move forward. It is during these times where I can come in and offer assistance and support to you on your path.

Who am I? This is a question I have asked myself and get asked often. I have been called many names by the people with whom I have worked, clairvoyant, medium, mystic, healer, therapist, artist and intuitive. I believe we all have these abilities and our paths look very different, as we are all here to learn our soul's lessons.

The Mandalas or images I create help you to access information for yourself. The universal language is symbols. This is why my images have been likened to symbols, ancient knowledge, codes, healing conduits, portals and guidance. The information comes from your energy field, spirit team and spiritual helpers that are always with and around you. The knowledge or message (mandala/symbol) is translated by using the principles of sacred geometry, unconditional love and light. Working with your custom energy mandala can bring awareness to your consciousness and help increase your frequency, vibration and energy signature. How you use and work with the image is purely intuitive. Whether you print it out and carry it around, place your hand over it or just gaze into it every day the choice is yours. I have created many mandalas for humanity, which provide assistance as we all continue to evolve, grow and gain new understanding of who we are. Every decision we make affects us and affects who we are in the world.

My intuitive energy readings and/or Akashic record readings are similar and often validate what you already know to be true. The readings are filled with love and compassion to aid one in learning to trust your inner voice, higher self or intuition as you gain awareness and evolve on your own journey. The readings can help with gaining clarity for yourself and looking at how energy is affecting your body, frequency and vibration. The readings may also help you learn to bring yourself into alignment, balance and harmony with your own healing abilities. We all have the ability to listen to ourselves and heal ourselves. The readings assist with building trust in yourself and how you work, learn and grow to become the most authentic, genuine version of you – you can be.

Over the years I have been trained in many healing arts and traditions, as well as traditional psychotherapy. The interesting piece to me personally is when I realized it is process of remembering not learning. We have all the answers we need inside. Sometimes we need a little reassurance and validation when accessing the information. Remembering the magnificence of who you are and the abilities you have.

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"Gail's insights and wisdom are great reminders of the power that resides within all of us. Her unique intuitive abilities are both inspiring and enlightening."

Jenniffer Weigel, author of I'm Spiritual, Dammit! and Stay Tuned

"Gail shares wisdom gained from years of personal experience to lead readers on a journey towards self-healing while providing validation that our connections to our loved ones in Heaven remains just as strong."

Heather Sprigg, Angel Channel and Medium

"Get out your journal and pen as you read this book because you are going to learn, reflect, grow and discover personal breakthroughs every step of the way."

Amy O'Keeffe, author of In Spirit: A Story of Friendship